Untreated hearing loss has been linked to some pretty nerve-wracking things, like cognitive decline, depression and a greater number of falls. And, that’s on top of difficulty communicating, socializing, working … and overall, enjoying life. Yeah, that’s definitely nerve-wracking.

When you take control of your hearing loss and discover a hearing solution − what can it mean for you? A more enriched life, for sure, but hearing well means so much more.

The brain plays an important role in our ability to hear, understand and speak. With hearing loss, the brain must work harder to make sense of the information it receives. Plus, as you are straining to hear what your friends are saying during a conversation at a noisy café, you’re not really paying attention to what is being said or feel like you aren't in the actual conversation.

When auditory perception is difficult, such as with hearing loss, greater cognitive resources have to be dedicated to auditory processing, which is suspected to cause other processes, like working memory, to suffer. Those with hearing loss have demonstrated a 30 to 40 percent accelerated rate of cognitive decline1.

However, when hearing aids are worn, a study by Vanderbilt University showed that participants realized better word recall, and their reaction times were significantly faster with hearing aids than without2.

That means that when wearing hearing devices you can have your conversation and drink your cappuccino, too, without listening fatigue and pulling from your cognitive resources.

No one likes to feel embarrassed. People with hearing loss usually find communication difficult, and this can lead to social isolation, loneliness and withdrawal. A study by the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders shows that more than 11 percent of those with hearing loss also had depression3.

However, in a recent survey by the National Council on Aging, they discovered that people who chose to wear hearing aids reported lower levels of depression and showed fewer outward signs of being depressed4.. They also found that people with hearing aids showed greater emotional stability. Basically, they felt they had more control over their lives and a more positive outlook.

Did you know that people with at least 25dB hearing loss are three times more likely to report a fall? And for every 10dB increase in hearing loss, there was a 1.4 times increase in chance of falling5. Possible explanations for the link is that people who cannot hear well might not have good awareness of their overall environment, making tripping and falling more likely. 

When wearing hearing devices, you become more in tune with your environment. For example, you can hear another person or maybe even a pet approaching and reduce the chance of falling due to a surprise collision or by tripping over them.  

Did you know that watching TV is the top activity identified as being restricted because of hearing difficulty6? And whether you’re the person with the hearing loss, or the person sitting next to him/her on the couch, you know that turning up the volume on the TV isn’t always the best solution. That’s because louder doesn’t always mean better.

With the help of hearing devices, people with hearing loss are able to stay connected to the world around them through television programs. How? Some hearing technology has Bluetooth®-enabled technology that can stream audio right to the hearing devices. This means you can still catch up on your favorite Netflix’s series and your loved ones are back at their regular TV volume!

Hearing well goes way beyond just being able to hear. It can keep you healthy while enriching your life. Perhaps it’s time to discover a hearing solution that is right for you?!


1. Hearing Loss and Cognitive Decline in Older Adults. Lin, Frank M.D. Ph.D. et al. JAMA Internal Medicine 2013. JAMA Intern Med. 2013;173(4):293-299.Published online January 21, 2013. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2013.1868

2. ”The Effects of Hearing Aid Use on Listening Effort and Mental Fatigue Associated with Sustain Speech Processing Demands,” Hornsby, Benjamin, Ear and Hearing: The Official Journal of the American Auditory Society. September 2013. 

3. “Depression and Hearing Impairments in Adults,” Chuan-Ming Li, M.D., Ph.D., Medical Research.com  

4. “Untreated Hearing Loss Linked to Depression, Social Isolation in Seniors,” The National Council on the Aging, American Academy of Audiology

5. “Hearing Loss and Falls Among Older Adults in the United States” Frank Lin, M.D. Ph.D., Luigi Ferrucci, M.D., Ph.D. Archive of Internal Medicine 2012

6. Source : no. 669 Sonova B2C Segmentation 2017 Sonova B2C Segmentation study N=2506

Hearing well goes way beyond just being able to hear. It can keep you healthy while enriching your life. Perhaps it’s time to discover a hearing solution that is right for you?!