Expert research suggests that up to 80% of people with hearing loss can improve their quality of life with one simple change — the introduction of hearing aids1.

You might already know that these important devices come with plenty of wonderful perks and that they play a key role in accessibility by amplifying and transmitting important conversations and sounds.

That said, some of the benefits are less obvious than others.

If you’d like to learn how hearing aids can improve the status quo for yourself or someone you love, keep reading. We’re here to share several expert discoveries that connect long-term wellbeing with hearing aid use.

Experts maintain that hearing health plays a key role in our social lives2. Hearing loss impacts our ability to participate in conversations and can cause frustration for both parties — the person who’s struggling to hear and the person who doesn’t feel heard.

Unfortunately, this means that as hearing loss progresses, it does tend to lead to social withdrawal3.

The good news is that hearing aids could reduce this struggle and help to close the gap between ourselves and the community around us.

Expert evidence suggests that hearing aids have the power to…

  • Simplify conversations4
  • Increase social activity5
  • And decrease social fatigue5

Recent studies also suggest that individuals with hearing loss are more likely to successfully add hearing aids to their routine when a loved one attends appointments with them7. So, this could be a great option if you hope to stay close and show or receive meaningful support.

You might be surprised to learn that hearing aids don’t just boost our ability to navigate daily life, they decrease our risk of several health complications — both short and long term.

Recent evidence suggests that hearing aids…

  • Can reduce our risk of dementia7
  • Are an effective method of treating tinnitus8
  • And may reduce the risk of harmful falls9

Of course, fall risk is especially important for older adults whose quality of life can be profoundly impacted by a one-time slip or tumble10.

When an individual has untreated hearing loss, they’re often put in a position where it feels like they’re constantly struggling to hear. As you can probably imagine, this kind of strain can leave them feeling fatigued as time passes11.

Fortunately, we have evidence to suggest that hearing aids…

  • Reduce listening fatigue12
  • Decrease mental exhaustion13
  • And can improve sleep quality13

So, while finding and accessing the right device might require a bit of initial effort, it appears that hearing aids can help us take a load off over time.

One of the unfortunate consequences of hearing loss is a higher risk of psychological distress. This phenomenon is so common, in fact, that individuals with hearing loss are also more likely to rely on antidepressants or antianxiety medications14.

That said, many experts suggest that appropriate hearing care can help us turn things around.

In fact, for people with hearing loss, hearing aids have the power to…

  • Reduce negative emotional symptoms15
  • Increase the instance of positive emotions15
  • And lay the foundation for a greater sense of happiness16

If the benefits we shared today appeal to you, it might be time to start building a hearing care plan — whether you hope to change your own life or the life of someone you love.

Please don’t hesitate to consult with a qualified audiologist or hearing care professional if you’d like to explore your best options for hearing loss support. 

And if you’d like to learn more in the meantime, you can check out our article on the key differences between OTC and prescription hearing aids.


1.      Tsakiropoulou, E., Konstantinidis, I., Vital, I., Konstantinidou, S., & Kotsani, A. (2007). Hearing aids: quality of life and socio-economic aspects. Hippokratia, 11(4), 183–186.

2.      Podury, A., Jiam, N. T., Kim, M., Donnenfield, J. I., & Dhand, A. (2023). Hearing and sociality: the implications of hearing loss on social life. Frontiers in neuroscience, 17, 1245434.

3.      Yadav, A. K., Ahsan, A., & Kumar, V. (2023). Impact of Hearing Aid Usage on Emotional and Social Skills in Persons With Severe to Profound Hearing Loss. Journal of audiology & otology, 27(1), 10–15.

4.      Beechey, T., Buchholz, J. M., & Keidser, G. (2020). Hearing Aid Amplification Reduces Communication Effort of People With Hearing Impairment and Their Conversation Partners. Journal of speech, language, and hearing research : JSLHR, 63(4), 1299–1311.

5.      Holman, J. A., Drummond, A., & Naylor, G. (2021). Hearing Aids Reduce Daily-Life Fatigue and Increase Social Activity: A Longitudinal Study. Trends in hearing, 25, 23312165211052786.

6.      Singh, G., & Launer, S. (2016). Social Context and Hearing Aid Adoption. Trends in hearing, 20, 2331216516673833.

7.      The Lancet (2017, July 20). Risk factors for dementia. Retrieved September 21, 2023, from

8.      NIDCD (2023, May 1). Tinnitus. National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. Retrieved October 10, 2023, from

9.      Campos, L., Prochazka, A., Anderson, M., Kaizer, A., Foster, C., & Hullar, T. (2023). Consistent hearing aid use is associated with lower fall prevalence and risk in older adults with hearing loss. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 71(10), 3163–3171.

10.   WHO (2021, April 26). Falls. World Health Organization. Retrieved October 10, 2023, from

11.   Holman, J. A., Hornsby, B. W. Y., Bess, F. H., & Naylor, G. (2021). Can listening-related fatigue influence well-being? Examining associations between hearing loss, fatigue, activity levels and well-being. International journal of audiology, 60(sup2), 47–59.

12.   Holman, J. A., Drummond, A., & Naylor, G. (2021). Hearing Aids Reduce Daily-Life Fatigue and Increase Social Activity: A Longitudinal Study. Trends in hearing, 25, 23312165211052786.

13.   EHIMA (n.d.). Hearing aids improve hearing — And a lot more. European Hearing Instrument Manufacturers Association. Retrieved November 18, 2023, from

14.   Bigelow, R. T., Reed, N. S., Brewster, K. K., Huang, A., Rebok, G., Rutherford, B. R., & Lin, F. R. (2020). Association of Hearing Loss With Psychological Distress and Utilization of Mental Health Services Among Adults in the United States. JAMA network open, 3(7), e2010986.

15.   Holman, J. A., Ali, Y. H. K., & Naylor, G. (2023). A qualitative investigation of the hearing and hearing-aid related emotional states experienced by adults with hearing loss. International journal of audiology, 62(10), 973–982.

16.   Wick, C. C., Kallogjeri, D., McJunkin, J. L., Durakovic, N., Holden, L. K., Herzog, J. A., Firszt, J. B., Buchman, C. A., & CI532 Study Group (2020). Hearing and Quality-of-Life Outcomes After Cochlear Implantation in Adult Hearing Aid Users 65 Years or Older: A Secondary Analysis of a Nonrandomized Clinical Trial. JAMA otolaryngology-- head & neck surgery, 146(10), 925–932.