
Not only has today’s technology made our lives easier, but simultaneously more efficient, too. Let’s just look at our smartphones. According to Statista, the number of smartphone users worldwide today surpasses 3 billion, and it’s forecast is to further grow by several hundred million within the next few years1.

Smartphones keep us connected to friends, family and coworkers – that’s a given. But, by downloading some pretty cool and practical apps, smartphones can help you do so much more. 

With all this convenient, time-saving technology through your smartphone, shouldn’t being in control of your own hearing be just as easy? Well, it can be. Just take a look at these three easy steps you can follow using your smartphone! 

Hearing loss can be sneaky, creeping up gradually. Maybe you’ve started to mishear parts of a conversation or respond inappropriately. Or, maybe you’ve found that the TV volume needs to be adjusted louder and louder. Or, maybe it’s hard to concentrate in noisy situations. Well, you’re not alone. 

That’s because 27.4 million Americans have mild to moderate hearing loss1.

Whatever your experiences are, you can test your hearing online at any time using your smartphone -- no appointment is required. And, you can do it in the comfort of your own home in just a matter of minutes.

Have you taken an online hearing test and decided you could use a hearing solution for some situations? Or, maybe a hearing care professional (HCP) has shared that you could use some amplification? There is an easy way to purchase a hearing device – just like you can with contact lenses.

All-Day Clear  are the ready-to-wear hearing aid that’s perfect for people with mild to moderate hearing loss. It’s available online and can be delivered right to your door. So when you are ready to make the decision to move forward, you can 24/7.

Plus, setup is simple: Just download the app and follow the step-by-step instructions.

Using your smartphone, adjusting your All-Day Clear hearing aids with in-the-moment controls is at your fingertips. With built-in Bluetooth®, it pairs All-Day Clear so you’re able to enjoy hands-free calls as well as stream music, podcasts, audio books and more. Imagine enjoying great sound quality with features that fit into your daily life!

Plus, if you decide that you would like extra support, you can always upgrade to In-Clinic Care Package at anytime and meet with a hearing care professional for a one-on-one session. 

Better hearing begins with you. So, grab your smartphone and start today!


1. Number of smartphone users worldwide from 2016 to 2020,, verified website June 22, 2020. 

2. Prevalence of Hearing Loss by Severity in the United States; Adele M Goman, Frank R Lin. American Journal of Public Health,  2016.