Do you wear All-Day Clear hearing aids and like, or need, to travel? We know you want to hear your best on vacation or on a business trip, a family get together or wherever you might go. And if you’re not a list maker, don’t worry. We can help you out.

Next time you are traveling just pull out this list!

When you decide to remove your hearing aids out to take a nap on the plane, go swimming or to shower after a long trip, remember it's good practise to never just put your hearing aids in your pocket or on a countertop. They can be easy to misplace. Plus, pets seem to love to use hearing devices as chew toys. So, if you are not wearing or charging them, make sure to always store them in the carrying case provided in your package.

You will most likely have this all set-up but if you don’t already have the app installed, it should be one of the first things you do before leaving. You will likely encounter different listening situations on a trip than you do at home. You might want to tweak the volume, equalizer or other settings to optimize the sound. These in-the-moment controls are at your fingertips.

Just like your smartphone, you will need to charge your hearing aids every night - even though just 3 hours of charging will provide a full day of usage.

Plus, if you are traveling for work or fun, your hearing aids should be cleaned regularly. So, whether it’s cleaning some sand from the beach or a bit of sweat from a warm meeting room, use a clean dry cloth to wipe regularly.  

If you don’t change the wax guard before you travel, or you’d like to have it “just in case,” bring your wax guard pack.


This isn’t really something to pack, because you should always have your hearing aids, like your wallet.

It’s more of a tip: Feel free to wear your All-Day Clear hearing aids through security at the airport. They are medical devices and do not need to be removed, unlike your loose pocket change and car keys.  
Any time your All-Day Clear hearing aids are not in your ears or in the charger, always turn them off. Just press the button for 4 seconds until the LED flashes red and goes out. Do the same thing again until the LED flashes green to turn them on.   
Although typically not required when flying, you have the option to put your devices into “flight mode,” which will maintain amplification but disable wireless functions. Just press the button on each device for 7 seconds until the LED blinks orange, release button when solid orange light appears. Just turn them off and turn them back on again to return to normal function.


So, there you have it: 5 simple yet important things to remember to pack when traveling with your All-Day Clear hearing aids.

Fairly quickly your hearing aids will just become part of you and most of this will become habit. But it is still a good idea to double check this list when you travel to make sure you hear your best wherever you may be going.

Oh, and always pack your swimsuit!